Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010


I was reading this book out of the library called Pho"Dog"raphy, which is an interesting foray into pet, specifically canine portraiture (obviously) and decided to give it a bit of a go with my own resident dog - Roxy. She is a beauty and a sweetheart, though she was kind of giving off a grumpy vibe this evening. As well, the profile angle here gives a real seriousness to this photo which they discussed in the book. Kind of a contrast to the cushy bed of hers.
24/365 - Watchdog

Friday, December 24, 2010


There's so many different lines and textures and with the angle it kind of hurts my head to look at it too long. Anyone else?

Monday, December 20, 2010


Taken just off a parking lot at the University. Vote for this other hipstamatic print I took today here



Sunday, December 19, 2010



Shot through the frosted glass of front windshield.
Posted on time to flickr, forgot to post here though. :(

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I've decided for my next 2 weeks to be centered around this Hipstamatic app. It's fun and offers a new creative challenge in finding a balance between happy accident and the craft of photography. I'm enjoying it already, hope you do as well.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

15/365 - Hipstamatic!

My lovely girlfriend and I just exchanged one early christmas present and hers to me was a gift card for the iphone app store. I got this new app called hipstamatic that makes quirky and spontaneous photos with the decent quality iphone camera. I've been experimenting with it and here's one of my first captures!


I think this is my last black and white theme photo. What's next? I don't know.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

11/365 - Inspiration

While trying to make an "inspiration map" for design of my website I was thinking about the artistic influences in my life and how the least visual representations can actually be the most visually inspiring because it causes us to create, inherently, rather than emulate. There was a great article about this idea here. These are just a few of my influences. I don't read enough, though.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010



Technically a little late, I was just hammering out getting it right in post.

I found this pill bottle in my room, some anti-biotics I was taking, and noticed that it had but one left. Thought maybe I could make a story out of it Kinda ended up being more like technology in the form of these small pills we take for granted, where I originally wanted to take it towards the direction of "this is my last pill, where can I get more? Can I afford them?" Etc.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010



So the journey begins eh? Well I'm going to do my best to make the post every day, but the most important aspect is that the photos supplied are taken one every day. I may end up posting a week's worth sometime when things get hectic and I'm unable to edit, but I'll do my best. Enjoy.


An Introduction - This thing is going in themes!

I decided that to give my journey some direction and not complete haphazardness I would structure it in themes. I'm figuring monthly or 2-week intervals but it's not certain.

When contemplating the first theme that would represent this photography of a year in my life I was at a loss. I think I originally had reservations of doing a "black and white" theme since it's ridiculously vague and also this past summer I just finished a class on the subject, though that was entirely using Film.

At some point I had some Our Lady Peace songs stuck in my head and I recalled the covers of the two albums they came from: Spirit Machine with it's vivid colours, and Gravity's B&W. Particularly I thought about what Black and White has come to mean to me. I focused on the expressions of the band members on the cover of the Gravity album. I wondered whether the preconception I had of Black and White photographs being more about lines and shapes was why I was drawn to the expressions, or whether it was the Black and White itself drawing me to them. I thought this concept was very interesting and decided I would explore Black and White. The vague aspect of a theme like this also helps since I'm just starting this and might need to ease into it!

As a further focus of the theme I would like to look for textures and shape and what this means in my life and in a town I've been in all my life.. but I've never seen things live in black and white. Most often, authors writing about the art of black and white photography talk about the vision required to take photos, and how making yourself analyze what the scene will look like in monotone will train your brain to discover more dynamic scenes, naturally. So it stands to reason that if I'm bored with my scenery, this could get me out of a rut!